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189 lessons listed on 19 pages:

Lesson Course Author

Part 2 - Lesson 3

This lesson focuses entirely understanding the process of moving our bebop exercises through all 12 keys.

$9.99 USD Buy Lesson

Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson focuses entirely understanding the process of moving our bebop exercises through all 12 keys.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Part 2 - Lesson 2

This lesson is all about developing the perpetual motion exercise.

$9.99 USD Buy Lesson

Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson is all about developing the perpetual motion exercise.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Part 2 - Lesson 1

This lesson deals with arpeggios off of chord tones, chromatic enclosures, and starting non-chord tones on the beat.

$9.99 USD Buy Lesson

Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson deals with arpeggios off of chord tones, chromatic enclosures, and starting non-chord tones on the beat.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Part 1 - Lesson 2

This lesson focuses on keeping chord tones on the beat, and non-chord tones off the beat.

$9.99 USD Buy Lesson

Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson focuses on keeping chord tones on the beat, and non-chord tones off the beat.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Part 1 - Lesson 1

This lesson covers the basics of the major, minor, and dominant bebop scales.

$9.99 USD Buy Lesson

Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson covers the basics of the major, minor, and dominant bebop scales.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Bebop Jazz Theory Lesson - Chord-Scale Theory

This lesson is a crash course covering all the jazz theory that you'll need to work through the lessons in this course.

$9.99 USD Buy Lesson

Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson is a crash course covering all the jazz theory that you'll need to work through the lessons in this course.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Bebop Scales Blast Introduction Video

Video introduction to the course.

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Bebop Scale Workout

Video introduction to the course.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Come, Come Ye Saints solo fingerstyle guitar arrangement

A harp like arrangement for finger style guitar of the popular hymn Come, Come Ye Saints.

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Lisle Crowley

Saxophone Lessons

Saxophone Lessons

$50.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Samir Kambarov

Major Scales: Seeing the Connections

Learn these essential major scale fingerings without diagrams or a lot of memorization.

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Chris Buzzelli

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