Teague Bechtel
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Part 6 - Lesson 1
Taught by: Teague Bechtel
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master
Part 6 is all about breaking down transcribed licks from great jazz artists.
In this final part of the lesson course we are analyzing 10 licks taken from the solos of jazz greats. The idea behind this part of the lesson is to show you how bebop scales are used in jazz language. I want this to be 10 ideas that you can put into your playing after you see how they work against the given harmony and make it easier for you to find bebop scale licks in the solos that you transcribe.
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Bebop Scales Part 6 PDF
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Video - This video is a preview - the full length video is 14:39 minutes long
Bebop Scales Part 6 - Lesson 1
This video covers the first part of the Part 6 lesson PDF in which we are breaking down transcribed licks from jazz greats.
The above video is a preview of the full-length version, which can be accessed by purchasing this lesson.
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