
Teague Bechtel

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Bebop Scale Workout

Everything You Need to Learn and Engrain The Bebop Scales

Part 6 - Lesson 3

Taught by: Teague Bechtel

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master

The grand finale!


This video closes out the bebop scales course here on I really hope that you enjoyed this course and got something out of it. I tried to develop the course is an organized and easily digestable manner. Remember, the development of the bebop language takes time, don't be in too much of a hurry. Take your time with each lesson and make sure that you have a firm grasp of the harmony and physical ability to play each step through all 12 keys before moving on. Happy practicing!

  • Video - purchase to access this video

    Bebop Scales Part 6 - Lesson 3 - The Finale

    This is a thumbnail of the video, which is 02:37 minutes long and can be viewed after you purchase this lesson.

    The final video lesson wrapping up the bebop lesson course here on

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