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189 lessons listed on 19 pages:

Lesson Course Author

Digital Patterns

Coltrane made them famous on "Giant Steps," but check out how Green used them in this lesson

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Learn the jazz language of Grant Green

Coltrane made them famous on "Giant Steps," but check out how Green used them in this lesson

$24.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

The Honeysuckle Rose motif

Green used this famous quote as a springboard to his flowing horn-like jazz lines

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Learn the jazz language of Grant Green

Green used this famous quote as a springboard to his flowing horn-like jazz lines

$24.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

The Blues

Green never abandoned his blues roots and brought the sound to his jazz improvisations

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Learn the jazz language of Grant Green

Green never abandoned his blues roots and brought the sound to his jazz improvisations

$24.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Polyrhythmic Ideas

In this lesson we examine some ways that Grant Green used rhythm in his solos to build energy.

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Learn the jazz language of Grant Green

In this lesson we examine some ways that Grant Green used rhythm in his solos to build energy.

$24.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

The 3-b9 Motif

One of the key elements of the jazz language, check out how Green approached it in this lesson.

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Learn the jazz language of Grant Green

One of the key elements of the jazz language, check out how Green approached it in this lesson.

$24.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Inside The Composition: Siri

Bob Ross breaks down his composition, Siri.

$10.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Bob Ross

Voice Leading: V for ii Substitution

This lesson presents an examination of one of the most fundamental chord substitutions in Jazz: the V for ii substitution.

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Comping Strategies for the Jazz Guitarist

This lesson presents an examination of one of the most fundamental chord substitutions in Jazz: the V for ii substitution.

$18.00 USD Buy Course

Corey Christiansen

The Musical Vocabulary of Grant Green

This course covers the integral musical vocabulary that is essential to Grant Green's amazing improvisational approach.

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Learn the jazz language of Grant Green

This course covers the integral musical vocabulary that is essential to Grant Green's amazing improvisational approach.

$24.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Putting it all Together

Using the information we've learned from the previous lessons we develop a solo of our own

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Learn the jazz language of Grant Green

Using the information we've learned from the previous lessons we develop a solo of our own

$24.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Time and Groove

Grant Green's time feel and sense of groove are possibly his most appealing attributes

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Learn the jazz language of Grant Green

Grant Green's time feel and sense of groove are possibly his most appealing attributes

$24.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

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