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189 lessons listed on 19 pages:

Lesson Course Author

Using 3rds For Improvisation

Creating Melodic Lines With 3rds

$1.99 USD Buy Lesson

Technique Tuesday Lesson Series

Creating Melodic Lines With 3rds

$12.00 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

Application/Greenish Blue

Using intervallic chords in your comping

Available with course purchase only

Intervallic Chords

Using intervallic chords in your comping

$11.99 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

Intervallic Voicing 3rd - 4th - 2nd

Expand your harmonic landscape

Available with course purchase only

Intervallic Chords

Expand your harmonic landscape

$11.99 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

Intervallic Voicing 4th - 2nd - 6th

Expand your harmonic landscape

Available with course purchase only

Intervallic Chords

Expand your harmonic landscape

$11.99 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

Stella By Starlight Breakdown

My approach to Stella By Starlight

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Bob Ross & The Art Of Guitar

My approach to Stella By Starlight

$25.00 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

6 Approaches for comping

Jazz Guitar Comping

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Bob Ross & The Art Of Guitar

Jazz Guitar Comping

$25.00 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

Improvising Over Sus Chords

Ideas for sus chords

$4.00 USD Buy Lesson

Bob Ross & The Art Of Guitar

Ideas for sus chords

$25.00 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

Diatonic Triads Over Static Harmony

Using triads to create motion

$4.00 USD Buy Lesson

Bob Ross & The Art Of Guitar

Using triads to create motion

$25.00 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

Stop Using Chord Books Pt. 2

Building Chords

$4.00 USD Buy Lesson

Bob Ross & The Art Of Guitar

Building Chords

$25.00 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

Stop Using Chord Books

Building chords with familiar chords mixed with theory.

$4.00 USD Buy Lesson

Bob Ross & The Art Of Guitar

Building chords with familiar chords mixed with theory.

$25.00 USD Buy Course

Bob Ross

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