
Bob Ross

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A Collection of Music Lessons

Taught by: Bob Ross

Included in a studio subscription

Learn the basic triads.

  • Lessons4
  • Contains
    4 videos (41:00), 6 PDF files
  • Abilitiesintermediate, advanced, master
  • VersionVersion 1.4
  • Includes Lifetime access
    Mobile friendly format

Course Description

In this course we will focus on learning the Major, Minor, Diminshed, and Augmented triads with inversions. 

    • Root Position Triads
      1 video (08:38), 2 PDF files

      Learning the 4 basic triads in root position. 1 video (08:38), 1 PDF file
    • First Inversion Triads
      1 video (09:02), 2 PDF files

      Learning the 4 basic triads in first inversion.1 video (09:02), 1 PDF file
    • Second Inversion Triads
      1 video (08:59), 2 PDF files

      Learning the 4 basic triads in second inversion. 1 video (08:59)
    • Harmonized Major Scale
      1 video (14:21)

      Application and practice of triads 1 video (14:21), 3 PDF files

About The Author

Bob Ross

Bob Ross has become known as one of Cincinnati's favorite local jazz musicians with a knack for writing beautiful original works. Bob graduated from Morehead State University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Music and in 2010 from The University Of The Arts in Philadelphia, PA with a Masters degree in Jazz Studies. Currently, Bob is the adjunct professor of Jazz/Contemporary Guitar at Mount St. Joseph University and a faculty member of West Chester Academy of Music.


Triads,Technique,Harmony,Chords, guitar


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