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189 lessons listed on 19 pages:

Lesson Course Author

Sweet Hour of Prayer for finger style guitar

A finger style arrangement for guitar of this beautiful hymn found in most denominations hymn books.

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Lisle Crowley

Paganini Caprice V for Electric Guitar

A very serious piece made easy to learn with detailed tablature, notation, and videos to help every guitar player improve.

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Lisle Crowley

Bebop Embellisments

Comprehensive and practical application of chromaticism in improvisation and harmony.

$30.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Tim Cummiskey

Major 2-5-1 progression. Part 2.

Development of harmonic concepts applied to the Major 2-5-1 progression.

$15.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Tim Cummiskey

Tenor Madness-Performance, analysis and explanation.

Tenor Madness-Performance, analysis and explanation.

$15.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Tim Cummiskey

Sunny-Performance, analysis and explanation.

Sunny-Performance, analysis and explanation.

$15.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Tim Cummiskey

How Insensitive-Performance, analysis and explanation.

Performance and explanation of "How Insensitive".

$20.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Tim Cummiskey

Days Of Wine And Roses-Performance, analysis and explanation.

Performance and explanation of "The Days Of Wine And Roses" Swing groove style.

$20.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Tim Cummiskey

Chord Application-A Train Lesson 2

Applying Jazz Voicings to "Take The A Train".

$20.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Tim Cummiskey

Days Of Wine And Roses, Ballad- Performance, analysis and explanation.

Performance and explanation of "The Days Of Wine And Roses" Ballad style.

$20.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Tim Cummiskey

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