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189 lessons listed on 19 pages:

Lesson Course Author

Part 6 - Lesson 1

Part 6 is all about breaking down transcribed licks from great jazz artists.

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Bebop Scale Workout

Part 6 is all about breaking down transcribed licks from great jazz artists.

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Teague Bechtel

Part 5 - Lesson 2

The final video of advanced exercises is intended to challenge your physical and mental agility.

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Bebop Scale Workout

The final video of advanced exercises is intended to challenge your physical and mental agility.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Part 5 - Lesson 1

This lesson is the first of two lessons in which we cover several more advanced exercises to help you develop some fluency with the bebop scales.

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Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson is the first of two lessons in which we cover several more advanced exercises to help you develop some fluency with the bebop scales.

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Teague Bechtel

Part 4 - Lesson 4

Bebop major scale bonanza.

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Bebop Scale Workout

Bebop major scale bonanza.

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Teague Bechtel

Part 4 - Lesson 3

This lesson deals with using the bebop scale to handle minor ii-V(b9) progressions and using our basic ideas to imply harmony against a given set of changes.

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Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson deals with using the bebop scale to handle minor ii-V(b9) progressions and using our basic ideas to imply harmony against a given set of changes.

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Teague Bechtel

Part 4 - Lesson 2

In this lesson we look at ways to get from the bebop scale to the three altered dominant sounds.

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Bebop Scale Workout

In this lesson we look at ways to get from the bebop scale to the three altered dominant sounds.

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Teague Bechtel

Part 4 - Lesson 1

In part 4 - lesson 1 of this course we are working on playing the changes with our bebop scales.

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Bebop Scale Workout

In part 4 - lesson 1 of this course we are working on playing the changes with our bebop scales.

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Teague Bechtel

Part 3 - Lesson 2

This lesson takes us a little deeper in the development of the bebop line by adding beginnings and endings to your ideas.

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Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson takes us a little deeper in the development of the bebop line by adding beginnings and endings to your ideas.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Part 3 - Lesson 1

This lesson covers developing rhythmic variety in your bebop lines and ends by building our own bebop lines together.

$9.99 USD Buy Lesson

Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson covers developing rhythmic variety in your bebop lines and ends by building our own bebop lines together.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Part 2 - Lesson 4

This lesson focuses on building speed and picking accuracy in your bebop scale playing.

$9.99 USD Buy Lesson

Bebop Scale Workout

This lesson focuses on building speed and picking accuracy in your bebop scale playing.

$29.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

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