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189 lessons listed on 19 pages:

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Etude #1

This is the first "mini-lesson" to be used as an etude for reading and technique.

$2.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Bob Ross

Latin Jazz: Samba And Bossa Nova Survival Guide

For decades, Brazilian music has been an integral part of jazz. This set of lessons will help you understand the basics of Bossa Nova and Samba.

$20.00 USD Buy Lesson

Comping Strategies for the Jazz Guitarist

For decades, Brazilian music has been an integral part of jazz. This set of lessons will help you understand the basics of Bossa Nova and Samba.

$18.00 USD Buy Course

Corey Christiansen

Modal Improvisation on the Guitar Using the CAGED System. Major - Lydian

This lesson covers the 'other major scale' , the Lydian mode. Construction of the scale, chords, arpeggios and CAGED system application

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Modal Improvising on Guitar Using the CAGED System. (Major - Ionian & Lydian)

This lesson covers the 'other major scale' , the Lydian mode. Construction of the scale, chords, arpeggios and CAGED system application

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Quintin Louw

Effective Practice for Every Musician

This video will demonstrate ways to structure your practice to achieve the most results from the time you spend practicing.

$10.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Lisle Crowley

Introduction to Publishing on

Learn about the Self-Publishing Service, what you can do with it, how much it costs, and how it can augment your teaching practice.

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Opening An Online Teaching Studio on

Learn about the Self-Publishing Service, what you can do with it, how much it costs, and how it can augment your teaching practice.

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Introduction to Live Meetings on

Learn about the Live Meeting Service and how it is used to host online video conferences with 1 to 200 people. You'll also learn about how much it costs and how to use it effective...

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Opening An Online Teaching Studio on

Learn about the Live Meeting Service and how it is used to host online video conferences with 1 to 200 people. You'll also learn about how much it costs and how to use it effective...

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Introduction To Online Teaching Studios on

Learn about what an Online Teaching Studio is and how teachers can use them to expand their teaching practice.

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Opening An Online Teaching Studio on

Learn about what an Online Teaching Studio is and how teachers can use them to expand their teaching practice.

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Inside The Composition: Chick Corea's Windows

In this video I walk you through my approach to Chick Corea's Windows

$8.99 USD Buy Lesson

- Bob Ross

Minor ii-V's

Grant Green was one of the best at dealing with this difficult harmonic progression

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

Learn the jazz language of Grant Green

Grant Green was one of the best at dealing with this difficult harmonic progression

$24.99 USD Buy Course

Teague Bechtel

Understanding Chord Symbols

A quick rundown of chord symbols and how to quickly identify them yourself

$5.00 USD Buy Lesson

- Teague Bechtel

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