
About Your Studio

Overview: Your Studio

Welcome to the Teaching Studio Help Guide! Please send us an email to if you have any suggestions or feedback.

Your Home Page

Your home page gives you a place to tell people about who you are.

Your Songs Page

Build a collection of songs that can be accessed from anywhere and shared with people.

Each song includes as much information as you want, including YouTube videos, audio & video files, PDFs, TAB, MusicXML, and Images.

Use our YouTube for Musicians Browser Extension directly on YouTube to easily import videos.

Audio and video files are played using our musician-friendly media player!

Organize your songs into lists that can be shared with your peers. These lists can be used as set lists that can be shared with your band or musicians who are sitting in with you.

Visibility: Who Can Access Your Studio?

Your Studio can be Private or Public (as well as Offline while you are setting it up).

Private studios can only be accessed by people in your Student List who have a account. Public studios can be seen by anyone, including people who are not logged into

To change your visibility, go to your Studio and open the Studio Settings > Dashboard page.*

*IMPORTANT: If you are using a paid subscription plan, you will first need to activate your subscription before you can make your Studio either Private or Public!

If you want to setup a private Studio, you will need to add students. Go to the Your Students page, and then click on the Add Student or Import button. Then you can send out an email to let them know about your Studio, which they can access after they signup for an account.

NOTE: Studios that are Offline can only be seen by you, unless you previously sold content using the Publishing or Meeting services, in which case your Studio will continue to be accessible by your customers.


Write Articles on

Post Articles on and Get Found By Students

All your articles will appear in your Studio and also in our Articles Page when your Studio is public. You can also:

  • Write media-rich articles with embed videos, audio, images, and PDFs, and YouTube videos.
  • If you already have a blog, synchronize it using your RSS or Atom feed.
  • If your Studio is public, your SEO-friendly articles will be found by prospective students, otherwise only your students will be able to see them.
  • Engage with your readers using the discussion that is part of each article you write.

Media Files

Your studio includes a Media Files page where you can access all the media files (PDF, audio, video, images, etc) that you've uploaded into your studio. These files may have been uploaded as part of a song, or other content in your studio. You can also upload files directly on this page that are not associated with other content.

Important Note:

Your Media Files page cannot be seen by anyone except administrators of your studio, however these files can be shared with followers (and your students, if you are a teacher) by clicking on the share link for the corresponding file. When shared, the person who the file is shared with will be notified, and they will be able to see it in their dashboard of your studio.

VIP Program offers a VIP Program for qualified educators. Teachers who are in the program receive the following discounted pricing benefit in exchange for helping us build a better platform:

If you are part of our VIP Program, you will receive following discounted service fees that are deducted from the sale of any of your learning experiences:

  • Subscription Discount: 50% off any paid plan!
    Choose a paid subscription for your studio and get a discount.

  • Payment Service Discount: 5% of each sale*
    When you use our Payment Service for lessons, classes, and pre-recorded publications (lessons and courses), your service fee is calculated from your total sale price multiplied by this discounted rate.

  • Free Zoom Pro Account: integrated directly into your meetings, $149.90/year value.

  • VIP Badge: V.I.P. your VIP badge will be displayed with your profile and recognizes your participation in the program.

  • Premium Support: we will be available to help with all aspects of building and supporting your studio and you will receive the highest attention possible if you ever need help.

Please view our Pricing page for current pricing information for all our platform services.

*Does not include a payment processing fee of 3% of the total sale, plus $0.30 per transaction.

Interested in participating in our VIP Program?

Visit our VIP Program page and fill out the VIP Request form, or send us an email at

How To Get Additional Help & Support

Please visit our Support Page for support options. You can also send us an email at We will do our very best to respond quickly.

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