
Douglas Loomis

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Magnolia, Texas, United States


Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Classical, Chamber Music, Sonata, Theory, Rock & Roll, Showtunes, Musical Theater Or Musicals, Jazz, Folk, Gospel, Blues, Dance, Latin

In Person, Group Classes

About Douglas Loomis

Douglas has been teaching piano in The woodlands, Texas since 2007. He performs regularly and enjoys classical, jazz, popular, and praise and worship music. He has received a Bachelor of Arts from Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas where he studied with Dr. Kiyoshi Tamagawa with a focus on performance. Douglas is currently a founding piano instructor with the Ethos School of Music.

Location: 33211 Buckshot Lane, Magnolia, Texas 77354, United States

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Douglas Loomis
Musica Liberator Animae - "Music is the Liberator of the Soul"

Contact Douglas Loomis

Douglas Loomis manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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