
Virtual Piano - A New Way To Learn The Piano

Educator, 1,529 score
  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

United States


Youth, Beginner, Intermediate

Classical, Gospel, New Age, New Age

In Person, Remote, Online Content, Group Classes

About Virtual Piano - A New Way To Learn The Piano

If you have ever wanted to learn how to play the piano - well now you can. I am a piano instructor and I am currently enrolling students into a online class called the virtual piano class. You can actually learn how to play the piano right from your home computer If you are interested in scheduling a lesson, you can reserve a space here:

Location: United States

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Virtual Piano - A New Way To Learn The Piano
Very Easy and Fun For Everyone - Compare And Save

Kim Holmes manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Early Adopter
  • Teacher

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