
Corey Christiansen

CC Modern Guitar

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Modern Jazz Harmony

From Intervals To Inversions And Extended Harmonies.

Harmony 2 - Open Triads Part One

Taught by: Corey Christiansen

Intermediate, Advanced

Open triads are an underused harmonic concept on the guitar. This lesson will introduce some new sounds into your playing and help you visualize and employ this technique on the fretboard.


An underused concept on the guiar, open triads are very effective for comping or solo guitar playing. They create textures that have been descriped as "choral" on the guitar. While, still being a foundational and simple harmonic concept, open triads can add a whole new level of sophistication to seemingly simple harmony. Open triads can be used to change up a simple tune, or added to a sophisticated jazz standard in ways that will breath new live into your playing.

  • Video - This video is a preview - the full length video is 05:13 minutes long

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    Chart: Open Triads Part 1

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