
Tom Barnes

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Gainesville, Georgia, United States


Youth, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Classical, Musical Theater Or Musicals, Rock & Roll

In Person

About Tom Barnes

Piano & Guitar Teacher, Allegro Music Company, Alpharetta, GA, 2007-2009

Experience teaching students ages 10 through adult. Implement various teaching styles and methods to achieve student/parent goals.

Private Piano & Guitar Instructor, Gainesville, GA. 2009 – Present

 In home teacher providing best possible instruction to students of all ages.

Assistant Director of Worship Arts, Gainesville FUMC, Gainesville, GA, 3/2009-Present

Assist the Director serving as main support staff for the Worship Arts Ministry,  Substitute for director and organist, manage Youth Music ensembles, direct auditioned ensemble (Wesleyan Voices)


1994-1997 MME, Choral Emphasis (Piano), Florida State University

1990-1994 BM, Choral Emphasis (Piano), Furman University

Location: 3720 Indian Springs Road, Gainesville, Georgia 30506, United States

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Tom Barnes

Contact Tom Barnes


Tom Barnes manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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