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I want to put a live chat room on my site, any ideas how to do this?

Posted 2014-07-16T15:44:16.0Z by Katy G131


I have a website and quite a few members have suggested that adding a chat room would be a great idea.

I'm searching for something I might be able to integrate well into my site. 

Has anyone tried RumbleTalk or C-box?



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Reply — Posted 2014-07-16T16:03:25.0Z
  • V.I.P.
  • Teacher

RumbleTalk looks pretty good, but it doesn't appear to be responsive if that's important (responsive design = resize your window and elements resize accordingly). What do you want to achieve with a chat room? Who would use it and for what purpose?


Reply — Posted 2014-09-04T12:51:18.0Z
Katy G131

Well, if someone is interested in a chat room for his music artist like me than I became and expert in this field. Here are my experience with finding the best one for my music page.

1 - First I needed a chat that can be seen in mobile (all versions) so I narrowed down the search for html5 chat room that look good on both mobile and pc.

2 - I needed a custom design, I needed my background to be black or transparent. This was very hard to find.

3 - I do not like to install the chat in my server as this is high cpu and resource consumer. So I need a chat service.

4 - Lastly, I needed the ability to add youtube videos.

I have checked several chats and only 2 met my needs, RumbleTalk and Envolv.
I choose RumbleTalk finally as it can be integrated into my page and not only as toolbar.

Since I could not find answers in this forum, than I hope this overview will help someone.




  • Good information... Thanks!JP 2014-09-04T13:58:29.0Z
Reply — Posted 2015-02-06T01:07:54.0Z
Matic L1

Just saw this topic and I needed to reply. Our company is using RumbleTalk and it is the best application for this on the market. We are using it for the last two years and we will continue doing it. It is really good!


Reply — Posted 2015-10-26T21:38:48.0Z (edited 2015-10-26T21:39:04.0Z)
Eddie S1

Well if skype is number one in chat applications then for sure Rumbletalk is number one in html chats


Reply — Posted 2016-02-29T09:29:05.743Z
Katy G131

Hi, just wanted to let you all know that we are still using Rumbletalk. You can always let me know if you need anything. I will be happy to assist you! I wanted to show you a [url=]demo chat[/url]  so you can all see how it looks like. Let me know what you think. Would love to hear from you.


  • Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that Rumbletalk has a free trial available now. If you have a website or blog it is really worth trying! [URL=]Rumbletalk free trial![/URL]Eddie S 2016-03-15T15:03:04.313Z
Reply — Posted 2016-04-12T12:32:33.420Z (edited 2016-04-12T12:33:08.910Z)
Gustavo W1

Hi there Kathy! 

I would like to say thank you for this great review, really! I personally tried quite a lot of chat applications for websites and it is true that Rumbletalk is the best one. I am using it on my facebook channel, blog and on my website for the last 14 days, it works amazingly.

Thanks again! Please keep us updated! :)



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  • 2014-07-16T15:44:16.0Z
  • 2016-04-12T12:32:33.440Z

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