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What does it take to be a piano tuner?

Asked 2014-06-11T17:57:58.0Z by Steve M741
  • Teacher

When I was a kid, my mom used to get her piano tuned every 6 months or so by this very serious older gentleman who would spend several hours painstakingly tuning and cleaning the piano, and doing general maintenance. It seemed like a very skilled craft that probably took years to cultivate. Not long ago I was at a friends house and she was having her piano tuned. A young guy with a laptop tuner came in, spent 10-15 minutes tweaking the tuners, and was done. Is this normal? Can anyone with an electronic tuner just tune a piano like you would tune a guitar? What does it take to be a professional piano tuner these days? 


1 Answer

Date | Votes
Reply — Posted 2014-06-13T17:47:35.0Z
Jeff E13,506
  • V.I.P.
  • Teacher

I don't know a ton about it, but i think your experience as a kid was pretty much the norm. The guy with the laptop was either scam artist, or more likely, a friend or musician she knew who just figured that since he could tune a guitar, why not a piano.


  • My mom had an old piano that she let me try to tune once...It was pretty fun actually. I bought a tool for turning the tuners and tuned it up with a guitar tuner. I got it kinda close. Probably better than before I started, but you'd never say it was in great tune.Stan W 2014-06-13T19:00:44.0Z

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  • 2014-06-11T17:57:58.0Z
  • 2014-06-13T19:00:44.0Z

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  • Piano

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