
Andrew Cass

Educator, 501 score
  • Teacher

Wilton, New Hampshire, United States

Acoustic Guitar, Guitar: Electric, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Ukulele, Voice (or Vocals)

Beginner, Intermediate

Rock & Roll, Metal, Musical Theater Or Musicals, Hip-Hop, Folk, Blues, Electronic


About Andrew Cass

I am a teacher and lover of music with over 15 years experience. Over the years I have conducted student bands, run songwriting workshops, worked with internationally renowned composers, and written award-winning musicals. My passion lies in teaching one-on-one lessons. I love helping people unlock the secrets of their instrument and find their own sound.

Location: Wilton, New Hampshire 03086, United States

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Andrew Cass

Contact Andrew Cass


Andrew Cass manages this studio and has these badges:

  • Teacher

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