Voice Leading: Comping With 3rds and 7ths

Explore the "powerhouse" voice leading intervals, the fourth and the half step, and learn to enhance chord resolutions by creating tension and release.

By Corey Christiansen

Online Lesson For Jazz Guitar , Jazz, Harmony, Guitar, Comping

This lesson is part of the online course:

Comping Strategies for the Jazz Guitarist

Fundamentals of Musical Voice leading

This course focuses on approaches to accompanying a singer or soloist in a small group setting.

An Online Course For Vamp, Samba, Jazz Lines, Jazz Guitar , Jazz, Harmony, Guitar, Corey Christiansen, Comping, Chords, Chord Progression, Bossa Nova, John Coltrane, ii V I Progression
Voice Leading: Comping With 3rds and 7ths Corey Christiansen Comping Strategies for the Jazz Guitarist